Tag: Feature

Fan Service: The goods we usually overlook (Part 4)

Fan Service: The goods we usually overlook (Part 4)

Now, we are onto the good stuff (not that the previous part was of bad things). Before we go I'd like to share some thoughts on morals and what they have to do with fan service, if they do at all. People tend to overlook good doings since most of them are considered normal/neutral. Good deeds … Continue reading Fan Service: The goods we usually overlook (Part 4)

Fan Service: The sillies most of us can probably accept (Part 3)

Fan Service: The sillies most of us can probably accept (Part 3)

In this part we will look into the things that are just as cringe worthy but more often accepted than not. Once again, a disclaimer: I actually enjoyed all of the shows that I have listed in this post (Part 3) so don't think that I'm into trash talking. ^_^ Excuses or nah? Most of the time … Continue reading Fan Service: The sillies most of us can probably accept (Part 3)

Fan Service: The unnecessary stuff (Part 2) [Not Quite Safe For Work]

Fan Service: The unnecessary stuff (Part 2) [Not Quite Safe For Work]

Let's get the bad things out of the way first, yeah? Oh, and you've been warned. It's nothing major but if your loved one catches you eyeing then good luck finding an excuse. Covering the baddies of fan service, it's actually quite unfortunate that bad things usually come from generalizations and this is no different. Let's … Continue reading Fan Service: The unnecessary stuff (Part 2) [Not Quite Safe For Work]

Songs by Seiyuu: What is the deal now? (Part 4)

Songs by Seiyuu: What is the deal now? (Part 4)

The deal is what is being represented by the picture above; these four voice actresses, each well known for their roles in anime, have formed an idol unit. They are not the first to do so and they will not be the last. So I had set myself a criteria for writing this part a long … Continue reading Songs by Seiyuu: What is the deal now? (Part 4)

Songs by Seiyuu: Seiyuu = Idol(s) (Part 3)

Songs by Seiyuu: Seiyuu = Idol(s) (Part 3)

THE iDOLM@STER may have brought the idol vibes into anime but there were still gaps left to fill, some aspects to master (what a pun!). Anime fans were starting to accept that their voice actors (VA) do pretty much everything a non anime related idol could. Though they were only starting to, not entirely. What THE … Continue reading Songs by Seiyuu: Seiyuu = Idol(s) (Part 3)